Herbie the Terrible

From MH:

MH recently tried to watch the relatively new Russian film about Ivan the Terrible, which is ominously just called “Tsar”. Imagine a period piece with lots of sword fights and horseback riding and disembowelments a la Braveheart. Pretty intense film. The thing is, the version that MH was watching originally had subtitles in Polish, and then those Polish subtitles had been translated/transliterated into English. So there was something off about the English, because a lot of words were spelled as they would sound in Polish, and some Polish words were just left in as is.

One such word is the actual Polish word for ‘Tsar’. In Polish, the ‘ts’ sound is represented by ‘c’, so in Polish the movie was called “Car”.

As a result, every so often, say when a medieval Russian village was about to be overrun by Ivan the Terrible and his forces, the subtitles would have dialogue like “Oh no! Car is coming to destroy us!” “Car is very angry right now!” “We are here to serve you, oh mighty Car!”

One would half expect the battle charge on the Russian plain to be led by a deranged Herbie or something.

So who is scarier?

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